Podcast: Interior Design For Wellbeing

“Interior design isn’t just about how it looks.” I’m always saying that! Our interior spaces impact both our mental and our physical health. They can uplift and inspire us, help us rest and relax, promote concentration or even play, but they can also push up our cortisol levels and even poison us over time, so interior design is a really powerful for improving our wellbeing. Terri Pugh, intuitive eating and body confidence coach, invited me on to her podcast to chat about Interior Design for Wellbeing. Here’s what we cover:

  • How do well-designed spaces help promote positive emotions and create a sense of well-being?

  • How colours can influence your mood —yes, they're more than just shades; they're mood boosters!

  • Furniture isn't just about looks—it can actually affect your health. Who knew?

  • And, of course, we have some tips for creating a positive vibe in your space!

Make yourself a cup of tea, get cozy (or out walking) and tune in to this episode that will inspire you to design a space that supports you.

Happy listening!


Why you don’t want a toxic new sofa